Bradford Animation Festival + Adam Elliot

A couple of weeks ago I went to the Bradford Animation Festival, which was held at the National Media Museum. My main reason for going was to attend a talk by Adam Elliot.

It was very interesting, it was even enjoyed by my partner who is an engineer and has little interest in animation. During the talk Adam was being interviewed (very informally) by his friend Barry Purves, who is also an animator. In between the questions and stories, all of Adam Elliot's short films were shown. After the talk there was a screening of Mary and Max, and even though I've seen it numerous times, seeing it straight after Adam describing the production process, made it more exciting.

I also attended the after party, where I managed to talk to Adam for quite some time. He gave some great advice on armature and the whole stop motion process. I even managed to get him to pose for an awkward photo.

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